This is the question I am asking women all over the web. This project started out as a chapter in a book about relationships, but it has morphed into a book of it's own.
About me: I'm a writer. I write romances under the name Delinda Jasper, and non-fiction books for writers under my name: DJ Westerfield. I am also a ghostwriter and write books, articles, and blog posts for others to use their name on. I'm not a relationship expert.
Why THIS book: I've often watched tv talk shows or read self-help books where "experts" were expounding on healthy relationships and attempting to explain what men and women really want in relationships. Half the time the stuff is so ridiculous I think: "That is CRAP! No one asked ME!" That is where the idea for this book came from. It will not be a bunch of psychobabble. I am asking real women to give me REAL answers about what they really want and need from men and relationships.
About the book: I have a couple of publishers and agents interested in picking up the project, however, I have to have a MINIMUM of 100 REAL responses from REAL women for them to even consider it. UPDATE: A publishing option has been chosen. When it gets closer to time for publication I will make further announcements about what/who I chose and why. But I wanted to let everyone know: This book WILL be published. (provided I get enough responses.)
How to help:
Answer this question as truthfully and honestly as possible: What do you REALLY want from the man (or future man) in your life? What is the most important thing to you? How can he do his part in making your life better?
- COMMENT here on this blog
- (PLEASE put something in the subject line to make it clear what you are emailing for, and either give a first name you want used or tell me if you want to be anonymous. Please include an age as well.)
No holds barred. I want the REAL truth.
By answering this, you are giving me permission to quote you. ALL answers will be considered ANONYMOUS unless you give a first name. If you feel comfortable, please give your age. (YOU MUST BE 18 TO ANSWER)